Sándor Gallai
Sándor Gallai is the Head of the MCC School of Social Sciences and History. He obtained a degree in Economics from the Budapest University of Economics and a PhD in Political Science from its Doctoral School of International Relations. He also studied at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen on a Tempus scholarship. As a researcher, he spent six months in Leuven, one month in Oslo, and three months in Bergen and Glasgow. Sándor has been teaching at Corvinus University for over two decades, mainly on comparative politics, political systems and transitions in Eastern and Central Europe, public policy, and governance in Hungarian and English language programs. He served the university for a decade and a half in various departmental, institute, and faculty leadership positions. Sándor has published two individual and one co-authored monograph, one edited textbook, dozens of book chapters, and journal articles, mostly in Hungarian and to a lesser extent in English. Besides his academic activities, he has worked as a political-economic analyst (Australian Embassy), head of policy analysis (Budapest Economics/DZ BANK CEE Research), head of a governmental think tank (Institute for Public Policy Research, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade), scientific director of a non-governmental research institute, and later director of a research institute (Migration Research Institute).