Emin Emrah Danis
Danış hold a BA and MA in Economics. He has expertise in energy markets, energy economics, energy policy, energy geopolitcs, pipeline, gas & LNG markets, Turkish energy markets, east med. gas, caspian and SEE energy markets, Middle east. He's also currently studies in renewable energy, energy transitation, mobility and Electric Vehicles. He founded Istanbul based consulting and investment company MOBEN in 2022. MOBEN provides investment, research, market strategies and goverment relations on energy, mobility, economy and geopolitics. His articles, analyses and interviews are published in several national and international newspapers, journals. Such as; Daily Sabah, Hürriyet, Sabah, Hürriyet Daily News, Bloomberg News(USA), AA, Ruskiipovros, Al Jazeera, AP, TRT World, TRT Haber, CNNTürk, Bloomberg TV