Damjan Krnjevic Miskovic
Damjan Krnjević Mišković is Professor of Practice at ADA University and Director for Policy Research, Analysis, and Publications of the Institute for Development and Diplomacy (IDD) in Baku, Azerbaijan. In 2020, he came to Baku from Belgrade having served as Executive Director of the Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD). His previous positions include Senior Strategist and Chief Speechwriter for the Serbian Candidate for UN Secretary-General (2015-2016); Senior Special Adviser and Chief Speechwriter to the President of the UN General Assembly (2012-2013); Senior Adviser and Chief Speechwriter to the Foreign Minister of Serbia (2007-2012), with concurrent appointments as Chairperson of the Admissions Committee of the State Diplomatic Academy and a member of its Advisory Board; Director of Policy Planning and Analysis of the Presidential Administration of Serbia (2006-2007); Special Adviser to the President of Serbia (2004-2006); and Managing Editor of The National Interest (2002-2004). His academic articles, policy essays, and op-eds have appeared in publications like The National Interest, the French journal Commentaire, the Journal of Democracy, Orbis, Society, The Review of Metaphysics, and Baku Dialogues, in addition to the Financial Times, the Washington Post, the Washington Times, the National Review and the Weekly Standard.